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Home > ASSITEJ Korea
  • ASSITEJ Korea
  • ASSITEJ Korea
  • Founded in 1982, ASSITEJ Korea has contributed to the development and distribution of Korean Theatre for
    Young Audiences (TYA) and the promotion of international exchanges and networking.

    With around 170 members including theatre companies, playwrights, critics, producers, and researchers,
    ASSITEJ Korea has worked to strengthen the social capacity of arts and culture for children and
    young people and to provide young audiences with opportunities to experience diverse and
    high quality arts and culture.

    ASSITEJ Korea is currently one of the 15 executive committee members of ASSITEJ International.
    Along with another executive committee member in Asia - ASSITEJ Japan, ASSITEJ Korea has extended and
    expanded the activities of ASSITEJ International into Asia and other parts of the world,
    outside of Europe where the main focus used to be.

    ASSITEJ Korea founded and has hosted Seoul Children's Theatre Awards since 1992. Every year,
    ASSITEJ Korea holds the ASSITEJ Korea International Summer Festival, ASSITEJ Korea Winter Festival in Seoul,
    Celebration of World Day of Theatre, and Korean Performing Arts Platform for Children and Youth(K-PAP).
    ASSITEJ Korea also organizes theatre workshops for teachers and children,
    publishes the annual ASSITEJ Korea Journal (formerly Theatre and Education) and
    organizes children's theatre tours to culturally alienated areas.