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  • 뉴스레터
  • 2021년 5월
  • 아시테지 세계본부 뉴스레터 No.127
  • 조회수 : 644

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Incipient Excitement 막 시작된 즐거움 
By Emilie Robert, member of the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ

에밀리 로버트, 아시테지 세계본부 EC멤버


These days in France, an incipient excitement can be felt in many theatres, cinemas and museums: the third lockdown is over now and from the 19th the audience is able to return. The capacities in the venues and all kind of rooms are very limited (35% of usual capacity) and the COVID rules are heavy, but arts and culture are fully back at last!


Meanwhile, in some parts of the world, artists are still deeply in the COVID crisis, as in India (See below) and in South America. The virus is still there worse than ever and there is a terrible lack of treatment and hospital beds. In those countries, the artists suffer a lot and get little or no support. It is a time to be aware of the difficulties so many face, now and into the future. 


Our situations are different worldwide, from one country to another, but we all belong to the ASSITEJ community and this is a strength that was quite visible during the 20Th Congress. The new Executive Committee of ASSITEJ knows it and it is already strongly at work. You could feel it during the eighteen hours of our first meeting(s): excitement and commitment are probably the right words to describe what was our work atmosphere.


Referring to the working plan 2021-2024 and the input from the Open Space in the 20th World Congress, we decided to build new working groups in order to deal with all the objectives and with the new challenges that the pandemic has revealed. The previous committee faced a lot of crisis situations and did a great job. Now it is our turn. There is much to do, indeed, but our first moments together online were quite strong and happy and we are very enthusiastic.


Each time the meetings begin it is 6:00 am for our treasurer, Ernie Nolan, and 9:00 pm for our president, Sue Giles. European and African EC members, we are the lucky ones : it is lunch time or so… In Iran, in South Korea, or in Pakistan, it’s a different time again -  but we don't see it!   Each EC member is already deeply involved in his/her work, putting all his/her energy and ideas in it, whatever the time is.


Among all the issues we will work on, the main ones are equity, diversity, sustainability, advocacy, inclusivity, connectivity… and the World Theatre Day, the Coffee Sessions, the support of the National Centres and the artists, the Artistic Gathering in Sweden in 2022…

Wondering what will come from our first steps? Wait for the dramaturgy we’re currently building - It will be in the June newsletter…


From the EC’s virtual meeting space,


Emilie Robert 


​요즘 프랑스에서는, 이제 막 시작하는 흥겨움을 많은 극장, 영화관, 그리고 박물관에서 느낄 수 있습니다. 3번째 록다운이 현재 끝난 상태이고, 5월19일 이후부터는 관객의 출입이 가능합니다. 장소들의 수용력과 모든 종류의 방들이 굉장히 제한적이고(평균의35% 정도), 코로나 19의 규제는 많지만 예술과 문화는 마침내 완전하게 돌아올 것 입니다. 

그동안, 인도와 남아메리카와 같은(밑 참조) 전세계 곳곳의 예술가들은 코로나10 위기에 굉장히 깊게 경험하고 있습니다. 바이러스는 아직 계속 나빠지고 있고 치료제와 병동의 침대는 최악으로 부족한 상황입니다. 이런 국가에서는 예술가들이 많은 고통을 받고 조금의 지원이나 아예 못 받는 경우도 있습니다. 현재 그리고 미래에 우리가 마주해야 하는 많은 어려움에 대해서 인지해야 하는 시기입니다.

우리의 상황은 각 나라마다 전세계적으로 매우 다르지만, 우리 모두 아시테지 커뮤니티 안에 속해있으며 제 20회 세계총회에서도 알 수 있듯 이는 우리의 강점입니다. 아시테지 세계본부의 새로 선정된 EC들은 이미 알고 있고 우리가 일하는 환경에서도 이미 강하게 작용하고 있습니다. 여러분은 18시간을 걸친 첫 회의를 통해 이미 느낄 수 있었습니다. 기대감과 헌신이라는 단어가 우리가 일하는 분위기를 가장 잘 설명하는 단어들 일 것입니다.

2021-2024년의 사업계획과 제 20회 세계총회의 오픈 스페이스의 나온 인풋을 언급하자면, 우리 EC는 여러 목적들과 팬데믹 시기에 드러난 새로운 도전 과제들을 해결하기 위해 새로운 실무단을 만들기로 결정했습니다. 이전 EC멤버들은 매우 많은 팬데믹 위기 상황들을 마주했고 아주 잘 해결해내었습니다. 이제는 저희 차례입니다. 아직 할 것들이 많이 남았지만, 우리가 온라인으로 모두 함께 모인 가장 첫 순간은 강렬하고 행복한 순간이며 우리는 매우 열성적입니다. 

우리의 회계담당자 Ernie Nolan에게는 매 회의가 아침 6시에 시작되었고, 세계본부 회장 Sue Giles에게는 저녁 9시였습니다. 유럽 그리고 아프리카를 대표하는 EC멤버들은 본인들은 점심시간이어서 운이 좋다고 하기도 했고, 이란, 한국, 그리고 파키스탄은 이 시간이 굉장히 다른 시간이긴 하지만 어렵지 않다고 했습니다. 각 EC멤버는 시간이 어떻게 되었든 이미 각자의 업무에 충실하게 진행하고 있으며 그들의 모든 에너지와 아이디어를 쏟고 있습니다. 

우리가 진행할 많은 일들에서 생길 이슈들 중에서도, 가장 중요한 것들은 공평성, 다양성, 지속가능성, 지지, 포용성, 연결성… 그리고 세계아동청소년연극의 날, 커피 세션, 그리고 내셔널 센터 그리고 예술가들의 지원, 2022 스웨덴 아티스틱 게더링 등이 있습니다.  

우리의 첫번째 스텝에서 어떤 것들이 실현될까요? 현재 우리가 개발하고 있는 드라마투르그(dramaturgy)이 기다려집니다. 이 소식은 6월 뉴스레터에서 전해질 예정입니다. 

EC 온라인 미팅룸에서, 

에밀리 로버트


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News from ASSITEJ
Artists in India are suffering

ASSITEJ has just received a heartbreaking report from ASSITEJ India member Imran Khan who makes a passionate appeal for support and connection at this time.

Read the  words from Imran Kahn.



Paulo Merisio counsellor of ASSITEJ

The Executive Committee (EC) of ASSITEJ is happy to announce that Paulo Merisio from Brazil has accepted the invitation from the EC to become a permanent counsellor of ASSITEJ in the 2021-2024 term until the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress in Cuba.

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Next Stop: Sweden
ASSITEJ Sweden & ASSITEJ International

The next global meeting place of ASSITEJ will be in May 2022 at the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2022 at Bibu Festival in Sweden. 

Bibu is the most important meeting place in Sweden for professional performing arts for a young audience. Together with the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering, this will be one of the world's biggest events for professional performing arts practitioners in 2022.

🌍 Helsinborg, SWE
🗓 17 - 22 May 2022


Sustainable goals - our responsability

 The theme for Artistic Gathering 2022 is based on the United Nations 17 global Goals for Sustainable Development. 

Using the watchcry “Leave no one behind”, we will examine how we in the performing arts field can be part of social, financial and environmental change.


Photo: Jacob Boehme - Blood on the Dance Floor. Fotopgrapher: Bryony Jackson 

Indigenous Cultures

Bibu/AAG 2022 welcomes innovative international performances that are visioned, produced and creatively led by Indigenous Performing Artists. We want to create an international platform that draws attention to the breadth of contemporary Indigenous performances. 

Read the call for performances


Calls & Opportunities
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The International Festival - Baby Biennale "0+"


The International Festival - Baby Biennale “0+” will take place in the cities of Russia and neighboring countries during the first week of June. The “Kalabala” Association invites theater practitioners from different countries to apply to present performance for the online program, create baby installations and participate in online professional meetings.

🌏 Russia
🗓 June 2021

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Open call to Kingfestival 2021



Novgorod theatre “Mali” is announcing the call for performances for the 16th edition of International Theater Kingfestival. 

⏰ Deadline: 15 June 2021
🌏 Veliky Novgorod, Russia
🗓 8 - 12 Oct 2021

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An invitation to co-design Visioni Festival in Italy


The festival “Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro…” – May 2021 edition – ended a few days ago.

Now the festival invites you to co-design the next two editions of Visioni that will take place in October 2021 and March 2022.

⏰ Deadline: 30 June 2021

 🌏 Bologna, Italy
🗓  Oct 2021 & March 2022

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Thingamagic International Object Theatre Festival



This digital festival in Delhi & Mumbai, India, is calling for applications for the Thingamagic International Object Theatre Festival.


⏰ Deadline: 17 July 2021
🌏 India & Online
🗓 Nov / Dec 2021

Read the call >>>


Invitation: Conference of Dramaturgy for Children and Youth - Pamplona


Conference of Dramaturgy for Children and Youth - Pamplona July 20-24, 2021

🌏 Pamplona, Spain
🗓 20 - 24 July 2021

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TRALLALLERO 2021 - Call for performances -


Trallallero 2021, is working in collaboration with Assitej-Italia, and this international call is dedicated to European companies of TYA. It will allow at least two companies to represent their shows during Trallallero 2021 festival and participate in workshops and international meetings. 

⏰ Deadline: 15 June 2021
🌏 Artegna, Italy
🗓 8 - 17 Oct 2021

Read the call >>> 




TYA News from around the world
In memoriam: Eva Bal (1938 - 2021)

ASSITEJ Belgium 


The internationally renowned Belgian company KOPERGIETERY has shared the sad news about the loss of Eva Bal, founder of Speelteater - now known as KOPERGIETERY. 

"She made so many who they are through her love, creativity, strength and faith. We will miss her terribly and carry her with us in each step towards the future."  the company writes on their website.


Read more > >>

Inspiring national event in Zambia


ASSITEJ Zambia held a two-day national workshop on theatre for young audiences, elected the new Executive Committee 2021 - 2024 and launched the “Take a Child To The Theatre” national campaign. 

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Playwriting in Haiti


Fenêtre des enfants - ASSITEJ Haiti is mobilizing to celebrate playwriting on the 1st of June.  Read an interview with Jonathan Registre, one of the founders of this recently founded national center.


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AFRICA pays tribute to Yvette Hardie



On 23 April, Africa invited the world to zoom into a celebration of the leadership and legacy of Yvette Hardie. This followed her stepping down as the President of ASSITEJ International, a role she constitutionally assumed for three consecutive terms since 2011. Welcoming the guests was ASSITEJ Nigeria Chairperson and ASSITEJ International Vice President Pamela Udoko, who introduced the event’s theme: Celebrating a Child of Africa; The Case Study of Yvette Hardie. Pamela said:  Yvette could move mountains to make sure that every African child experiences theatre for young people.

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Economic relief for TYA and the cultural sector in Germany


The term NEUSTART translates easily into a ‘new start’ for all the cultural venues and activities that had to close down and be cancelled in the past year. 

NEUSTART also translates to more than a billion Euros the federal government of Germany is spending until the end of 2021. 

ASSITEJ Germany is proud to be a partner in this and to be able to spend 15 million €uros on supporting venues, guest performances and future-oriented concepts for audience development.

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Dreams do come true


After many months of preparation and two postponements due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the Founding Assembly of Assitej Cyprus took place in Nicosia, on 17March 2021. 

During the Assembly, the Centre’s statute was presented, while its aims were outlined to the 155 members.  

One of the first actions of the new board was to start to work on a Small Countries Network with National Centres of countries with a population of less than 1 million.

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Award ceremony of the XXI ASSITEJ Spain Awards


On May 13, the ASSITEJ Awards were presented in Gijón as part of the program of FETEN (30th edition of the European Fair of Performing Arts for Children). The winners were: Ultramarinos de Lucas. ASSITEJ National Award 2020, and Jordi Palet i Puig.




Leer en español>>>


News from Brazil

ASSITEJ Brazil has had an active time with involvement in the Seminar: "Maria Clara Machado - 100 years", celebrating the centenary of the most important Brazilian author dedicated to Theater for Young Audiences.

The National Centre has also appointed a new inclusivity champion and a new advisory board.

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News from Switzerland

ASSITEJ Switzerland/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra is now headed by Katrin Gurtner. She says:  "To work for the fact that children and young people can also enjoy professional theater is a very important concern for me personally. Furthermore, I see it as my task to advance the association in financial and cultural-political terms." 


Due to pandemic reasons, the PRIX ASSITEJ Switzerland/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra 2021 award ceremony has been postponed.

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Upcoming Events
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SEGNI has a new format reacting to the pandemic, with a  festival that is spreading the activities between SUMMER and AUTUMN. We look forward to returning to meet in small groups of people and maintaining contact both online and offline.
Save the date 2021!

🌏 Giglio, Mantova (Italy) & Online
🗓 June, July, October-November 2021


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ASSITEJ Korea International Summer Festival

The 29thASSITEJ Korea International Summer Festival is coming to children and young audiences this July, online and offline! 

🌏 Seoul, Gwangju, Daegu (Korea) 

🗓 12 July – 1 August, 2021

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An invitation from ASSITEJ Ukraine

The newly opened ASSITEJ Ukraine invites their international colleagues to an online conference called “Ukraine ASSITEJ – interaction platform”. 

🌏 Ukraine & Online
🗓 31 May 2021

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Festivals in Germany


All upcoming festivals have adopted digital or hybrid forms that invite international participation.

Schöne Aussicht International TYA Festival 6-13 June 2021

Theater der Welt / Theater of the World with a focus on TYA 17 June – 4 July 2021

Hellwach International TYA Festival 9- 13 June 2021

Turbo Inclusive Performing Arts for Young Audiences 3 – 6 June 2021

Starke Stücke Festival 2 – 14 July 2021

Rampenlichter Festival for and by Children and Young People 9 – 22 July 2021

Westwind Festival 19 – 25 August 2021

🌍 Germany 

🗓 2021 


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Article Section
Knowledge - Experiences - Reflections
What the Future May Hold—An Interview with Beth Juncker

- from the 2021 digital ASSITEJ Magazine

Manon van de Water:

What have we learned from the pandemic in regards to TYA, and what should we keep in mind as we move into the future?

Beth Juncker:

We have learned that theatre is so important as theatre. And that theatre really has to be and continue to being theatre. It is live seeing, and we have learned what we didn’t always know before that being live, being face-to-face, being part of an audience is more important than we ever have been thinking before.

And you know, we started to say in this country, this is a catastrophe we have to think of the economy and not culture and suddenly the people of this country said “Are you mad? We need culture. We need to come to theatres, we need to go to the movies, we need to be together.” So never ever in my life, have we had so many people from different social regions say “Culture is so important.” “Art is so important.”


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ASSITEJ International

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